Associate Professor
College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University (SWU)
No.2 Tiansheng Roud, Beibei District, Chongqing China
Email: junjiehuang.cs [AT] or junjiehuang [AT]
Research Interest: Social Network Analysis Graph Neural Networks Computational Social Science
Hi! 👋
In 2023, I joined the Computer and Information Science department at Southwest University (SWU) after obtaining my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS).
In short, 🎓 PKUer -> ICTer -> SWUer.
I was advised by Prof. Xueqi Cheng and Prof. Huawei Shen.
My research focuses on computational social sciences fields (CSS). Computational social science is a broad field that necessitates interdisciplinary and highly collaborative researchers. You are welcome to email me if you have any promising and challenging CSS research problems.
Currently, I am working on modeling signed social networks (i.e., social networks with both positive and negative links) using graph representation learning.
TL;DR: Illustration of peer review process in ICLR2022. ICLR2022 mainly includes four stages: initial review, author response, reviewer discussion and final decision. In this paper, we mainly focus on the rebuttal stage between t1 and t2.
TL;DR: In this paper, we study the negative feedback in the recommender system, which is of great importance. We qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the three kinds of negative feedback that widely existed in real-world recommender systems. Our method is parameter-efficient for handling scenarios where negative feedback data is insufficient. Our methods outperform existing models on several real-world datasets.
TL;DR: In this paper, we first propose a new data augmentation (i.e., edge-operating including edge-adding and edge-dropping). Then, guided by InfoMin principle, we propose a novel theoretical guiding contrastive learning framework, named Learnable Data Augmentation for Graph Contrastive Learning (LDA-GCL). Our methods include data augmentation learning and graph contrastive learning, which follow the InfoMin and InfoMax principles, respectively.
TL;DR: Signed bipartite networks can be commonly found in many fields including business, politics, and academics, but have been less studied. We do some comprehensive analysis of balance theory from two perspectives on several real-world datasets. We propose a novel Signed Bipartite Graph Neural Networks (SBGNNs) to learn node embeddings for signed bipartite networks.
TL;DR: The spread of fundraising information along social network, is a key factor of fundraising success, and the social capital of fundraisers play an important role in medical fundraising.
TL;DR: We propose a novel Signed Directed Graph Neural Networks model (i.e., SDGNN) to learn node embeddings for signed directed networks. Guided by two theories, our SBGNN model not only uses Signed Directed Aggregators but also simultaneously reconstructs link signs, link directions, and signed directed triangles.
Journal of Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Information Processing and Management, Plos One